Friday, January 15, 2016

second post of the year

Okay, so I haven't been posting as often as I planned, BUT:

-I've gone to Jazzercise five of the last eight days! And when I work out I make better choices with my diet, because I don't want to throw away the work I did, so I feel like I've been eating a little better too! Hooray!

-it's been 15 days since I've had soda (FIFTEEN! And that included a movie in which I got to have popcorn (my favorite!) and I still didn't have coke. I was super grumpy and pouty and irritable at first (I'm telling you, I was addicted and I was having withdrawals!) but last night when I was trying to fall asleep, I realized I hadn't even thought of it all day long! That's progress!

-I subbed at the boys' school on Tuesday and Thursday! Mad props to all the working moms out there because I was SO EXHAUSTED at the end of the day. I guess managing 15 three-year-olds will do that to you! :)

-tonight the boys are going to Parent's Night Out at church and we get to have a date! One of Zac's co-workers gave us a PF Chang's giftcard for Christmas, so we are going to eat there! Yum!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Year, New Goals

I like making resolutions. I always think of the new year as a time to reevaluate what I can do better, and how I can improve myself. A few years ago I made four resolutions and kept every single one. That was a powerful thing for me, and I hope to do the same this year, since I have several again. Although they're a very personal thing (for me, at least) sharing them helps me with accountability, so here they are:

1. Eat better. Fresher, healthier, home cooked, try new things, etc. If I do it, the whole family will. Part of my goal is to ensure the boys eat well, so I need to take responsibility and lead us to "greener" pastures. (I'm so funny, right?)
2. Exercise regularly. Sigh. This is a constant battle for me. After Drew was born, I got to a point where I LOVED exercising. If I skipped going to the gym, I actually missed it. I liked the way it made me feel physically, and the way it made me feel mentally. It's hard to remember that feeling, because the thought of working out sounds dreadful right now, but I know if I stick with it, I'll get back to that. (hopefully!) I want to exercise so that I can keep up with my boys now, and in the future. I want to strengthen my joints and muscles and bone density. I want to be the healthiest version of myself I can possibly be. God only gave me one body, and I need to take care of it the way He wants me to.
3. No. More. Sodas. This is such a hard one for me. I've given up cokes many times (almost every Lent season since High School) and then I ALWAYS start drinking them again. Why do I do that? I know I am truly and actually addicted to them. These last seven days I have felt grumpy and irritable, had headaches, and have been craving one so badly. I haven't given in, and it's been a week, so surely I can keep it up. I'm hoping to abandon sodas FOREVER this time though. (which silly as it sounds, makes me sad. I love cokes!)
4. I want to spend money more responsibly. I've been so bad at thinking of something I want and ordering it on my Amazon app all within the same minute. I want to pay off debts (student loans, cars, etc) and can't get ahead if I'm constantly spending the money we have. I hope to have a larger savings account by the end of the year, and I want to be proud of the way I handle our money.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Wow. It's really Twenty-sixteen!?! Time keeps flying faster and faster, doesn't it? One of my resolutions was to start blogging again. My goal is twice a week. I thought I'd post this just to break the ice and get reacquainted with blogger. It's late, so I'll save the good stuff for another post. But can I just mention real quickly that Zac and I are two episodes away from finishing the Parenthood series, and I'm SO SAD ABOUT THIS. I want to start at the beginning and watch the whole thing over again. What an amazing show! Do any of you watch it? On one hand I can't wait to find out how it ends, but on the other, I don't want to keep watching because I don't want it to be over. Waaaah! :( What are your favorite shows?