Wednesday, July 25, 2012

28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: yesterday at the doctor, I learned I have gained 2 pounds since my last appointment with him, which was four weeks ago. If I remember correctly, that means 23 pounds total so far.
Maternity clothes? yes! Nothing else fits.
Stretch marks? yes. :( Luckily they are in areas that even a bikini will hide (as of now, at least) but it still makes me a little sad. Oh well...totally worth it!
Sleep: my joints haven't been too uncomfortable this week (hips and shoulders), but I'm waking up in the middle of the night not able to fall back asleep. I'm also having the worst reflux I've ever had in my entire life. Ya know how if you drink a Slurpee too fast you get brain freeze? Well my reflux is so bad that it feels like it's burning the lower back part of my brain. Kind of like the opposite of brain freeze, but just as unbearable (if not more!) Good news...doc said I can take two antacids a day (if needed) from now on. Hopefully that'll help.
Best moment this week: well the week isn't over yet, but I've enoyed hanging out with Stacy and Chris on Saturday, and getting to watch my fun and smart cousin Sam on Monday!
Miss Anything? yes, Malibu and Coke. :)
Movement: tons! He's an active little dude! One evening/night he decided not to move very much and it kind of (okay, majorly!) freaked us out. Zac started googling, which might just be the worst thing you can do. Haha! I got up and ate some cheese and Cheeze-Its in the middle of the night and he thanked me with some speed kicks. :)
Food cravings:no, haven't really liked any food lately. I've lost my appetite, I guess because he's pressing on my stomach and making me feel full 24/7.
Anything making you queasy or sick: hmm...not really. Except sometimes the thought of eating makes me feel nauseous.
Gender: still a BOY!
Labor Signs: no!
Symptoms: started having some Braxton Hicks contractions this week.
Wedding rings on or off? off, and I HATE it! :(
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've felt a bit more emotional lately.
Looking forward to: my 4-D sonogram next Tuesday, July 21st! I can not wait to see that sweet face!

PS-My nurse called this afternoon and I do NOT have gestational diabetes, and my iron counts looked great! Yay!

1 comment:

Amy F said...

That is awesome Julia!!! Sam LOVED spending the day with you!