Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Drew at 2 Weeks

Drew is two weeks old now, and the time seems to be passing so quickly. He's already starting to fill out and change, so I wanted to blog about what he's like at 2 weeks, so I can remember forever.
He had his two-week check up on Monday and weighed 7lbs 6oz (25th percentile for weight) and was 19 and 3/8 inches long (10th percentile for height). His head circumference measured in the 50th percentile.The pediatrician called him "healthy and handsome," so of course that made me smile.
He typically sleeps well at night. He usually wakes up around 1am and 4am to eat, but then goes back to sleep pretty easily. During the day he will stay awake after eating for up to an hour or two, just looking around, stretching, making funny faces, and almost always hiccuping. Somehow at night he knows to fall back to sleep after eating, which makes life a lot easier for me and Zac. I have been taking the first shift and Zac the second, and that seems to be working well for us. Actually, we both get up when he wakes up and one person changes his diaper while the other fixes the bottle. Once the person who is staying up is settled in and feeding him, the other goes to bed. Works great.
He eats 3 ounces about every three hours. Obviously there are times he goes longer or shorter, but for the most part he's pretty routine about his eating schedule.He is getting mostly formula, but I'm pumping every 3-4 hours during the day and supplementing with that breastmilk too. I'm not producing much, but hoping that if I continue pumping I will build or at least maintain the supply I do have. Being so sick in the hospital kind of messed up my nursing plans (and the fact he can't latch on), but I'm going to try to pump at least for another month pr so, then I'll reevaluate if I want to go longer. I know any breast milk is better than none, but with the amount I produce and all the time pumping and getting ready to pump, then washing the equipment from pumping, it hardly seems worth it. I know it IS worth it, which is why I continue to do it, but I wish so so badly he could just latch on and we could enjoy the "easy and convenient" side of nursing...without pumping! I have so much respect for people who exclusively pump for an entire year! Luckily, I don't feel bad about giving him formula at all, and in a way its actually comforting because I know EXACTLY what he's getting and don't have to worry about him not tolerating a certain food I ate or caffeine, etc.
***I know everyone has different opinions on formula vs. breastmilk, and I'm not asking for yours, :) Just sharing my own thoughts on my personal blog. Thanks for being considerate!


Amy F said...

So glad he is healthy!

Ellen Enright said...

I can't wait to meet him.