Monday, September 24, 2012

4 doctors, 3 shots, 2 weeks to go, 1 sweet baby

Last week was quite a busy and productive week! Sorry for the lack of blogging. I think I mentioned earlier, but somewhere about a week or so ago, I went from desperately ready to have this baby, to totally at peace with waiting, and enjoying these last few weeks. I still have a list of things to do, some of it I was able to check off last week, and I have some more to do this week.

-I met with four different doctors last week! Yes, everything is perfectly fine! It's just funny how it all worked out and fell on the same week. Tuesday I had my usual visit with my OB. I found out Thursday that my Group B Strep test did come back positive, so I will get an antibiotic shot before the cesarean. (It is just an intestinal bacteria that does not affect the mom, but can cause issues for the doc said 20% of his patients test positive. No biggie.) I got a flu shot, and Dr. H told me he'd recommend getting a pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine before the baby comes, so Drew can reap some of the benefits of it.
-Wednesday I met with a potential pediatrician. I'd heard amazing things about him from friends and planned on using him for Drew, but wanted to make sure I liked him and that we clicked. I made a list of questions to ask him. I told Zac after the appointment that if I'd written down what I thought the "perfect answers" to my questions would be, they still would not have been as good as what Dr. T actually said to me. He was so kind and compassionate and knowledgeable. He's been doing this for many years, so he has lots of experience, but he stays up to date with all the current research and trends as well. He has three kids and four grandkids and spoke to me like I was very important. I left his office on a high! A funny story...the next day my friend Heather (who referred me) had to take her sick daughter in. She mentioned that I'd met him the day before, and he thanked her for referring me, then said the nicest thing. Dr. T told Heather "Julia was so sweet! I even went home yesterday and told my wife 'I had the sweetest prenatal visit today!' She really wanted someone thorough and she asked great questions, and it's just so neat that she's been through so much medically and still has a big smile on her face, and is so excited about being a mom!" Isn't that awesome? So Heather called me when she left and told me all that he'd said, which just re-confirmed that I'd picked the right doctor for Drew! :)
-Friday morning I went to my primary care physician for my monthly B-12 shot. I've mentioned on my blog before how important B-12 is. It's been awhile since I'd had the shot (July maybe? Shame on me for missing August!), and with the surgery coming up, I definitely wanted to be as strong (and feeling as well) as possible.
-Friday afternoon, Zac and I met at a local medical clinic in town to get our pertussis shots, and for Zac to get his flu shot. She told us the pertussis would make us sore for a few days, and she wasn't kidding! Zac's hurt more than mine, but I definitely felt it too. On Sunday the pain went from just my deltoid to up my shoulder a little too. Kinda crazy. But oh so totally worth it for the little man. :)  There are lots of PSA radio commercials for getting this shot in the Dallas area, and our local doctor said they've already had a few confirmed cases of it this year! If you're going to be around a baby, you should possibly consider getting the pertussis vaccine. Here's why.

So yep, four doctors and three shots in one week. Speaking of weeks, Drew will be here two weeks from today! 14 days! (or less) So exciting! Weekend update coming right up...


Anonymous said...

That shot DOES hurt. My arm was sore for days. I felt bad for Ezra when it was time for him to get it, though obviously we got it anyway.

Amy F said...

You are so smart to get it done before he comes. I had mine after Sam was born and it was awful having arm pain for several days as well as everything else hurting! So glad you like your ped!