Wednesday, August 8, 2012

30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks!
Total weight gain: I haven't weighed since last week. I'm eating all my favorite things in Austin though, so pretty sure I'll be up a few pounds next time I do step on the scale :)
Maternity clothes? yep! Except I just asked my dad for a few of his XL t-shirts because none of my t-shirts fit anymore, and let's face it, I'm a t-shirt kind of gal.
Stretch marks? uh-huh
Sleep: I've been sleeping better this week in Austin...maybe it's the new mattress, or maybe the fact that my mom is a shopaholic and we've been painting the town all day long! :)
Best moment this week: Easily, it was my "Ahoy, Baby" shower! (post and pics to come). Although I also loved getting to spend time with my nieces and nephews on both sides.
Miss Anything? I miss sleeping on my back. It's my favorite posish to sleep in, and I can't do it even for a few minutes without getting out of breath and all my limbs tingling. I guess that's why they tell you not to? :)
Movement: Yes, so much. It's a different type of movement (as I mentioned last week), but it's still there and I'm feeling him all day and night. He especially loves when I drink really cold ice water!
Food cravings:home made chocolate chip cookies...still!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: nope!
Symptoms: swelling in my feet and ankles, and Braxton Hicks contractions. My entire abdomen gets so tight...such a strange sensation. I wouldn't say it's painful, but certainly uncomfortable. Honestly, in these moments, I'm grateful to be having a cesarean, and find comfort in knowing I don't (ahem, shouldn't) have to experience labor. Does that make me a wimp?
Wedding rings on or off? off, but I'm sporting a fake :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy girl :)
Looking forward to: going home to Midlo and sorting through all the amazing gifts that we were given at the shower. I can't wait to start doing laundry and putting his tiny clothes into drawers and his closet.


Linda said...

You look more beautiful as each week passes! Can't wait to meet little baby Drew!

Mel and Nancy said...

I saw the pictures of your week on fb. Happy, happy pictures and you look radiant! Love you and enjoy- 6 or so more weeks until baby is here. :) Always in my prayers and with Love, Nancy