Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday letters, (my pregnancy must-haves edition)

Here is my first Friday Letters, which also doubles as my recent must-haves...

Dear Clinique Long Last Glosswear-
Thanks for being the perfect amount of color and shine. I love how you stay on my lips for hours, unlike any other gloss I use. I also appreciate that you are SPF 15...pregnant women are sensitive to the sun, ya know.

Dear Sonic Limeade with extra lime, you are the perfect afternoon pick me up. The cold, the citrus, the caffeine-free carbonation...perfect summertime treat for me!
Dear Thermos, you are my number one favorite item in the world these days! We are best friends, and I never go anywhere without you. I love your double stainless-steel walls and vacuum insulation that keeps my water super cold! I love how I can go shopping and leave my ice water in the car, and come out two hours later, to a scorching hot car, but STILL have ice in my drink! You are the best and everyone deserves to have one. Especially in Texas, in the summer, and especially if you don't want to use a million plastic water bottles all day long, and worry about ingesting carcinogens. ;) Thermos, you make me a happy girl. Thank you.
Dear Vicks humidifier- You are kind of loud, and I like to sleep in silence (no fans or white noise or TV for this girl), but you help me breathe, so that makes me like you. I was so stopped up my first trimester, and now I am again. Thank you for making it easier to breathe, and thank you for not having a filter that I have to change out. Also, no offense, but I've registered for this humidifier for Drew's room. It's much prettier, don't you think?


1 comment:

Stacy said...

Yay for your first Friday's Letters!