Tuesday, August 21, 2012

32 weeks!

How far along? 32 weeks!
Total weight gain:Not sure...maybe same as last week?
Maternity clothes? Why is this question even on here?
Stretch marks? Yessirree
Sleep? I am sleeping better, but I laughed out loud when I read my newest email from What To Expect. Check it out here. (Subtitle? "Third-trimester insomnia strikes more than 75 percent of pregnant women—very tired pregnant women.")
Best moment this week? 
Miss Anything? I still miss lying on my back to sleep. I also miss curling up in a ball on my side. I like to sleep tight and cuddled up, and it's hard to lift my knees very high.
Movement? YES! He is squirming and repositioning himself SO much! I'll lift my shirt up and Zac can see my misshapen belly, because he will be completely off to one side of me. Within the hour, he might have moved to the other side. I still feel kicks, but a lot of the feeling is when he's moving his entire body. I think he wants to be a gymnast, with all those somersaults! :) Also, my tummy is SO hard all the time now.
Food cravings: haven't really craved much lately, but I have not been liking salty foods (Chinese, the thought of fast food, etc) much at all. Except today I had some movie popcorn that was pretty delish! :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope! A little reflux, but nothing major.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: not yet
Symptoms: BH contractions, a little blurred vision and high blood pressure, moodiness (is that a pregnancy "symptom?" I'm going to go ahead and say yes. Thank you for putting up with me Zac.)
Wedding rings on or off? Off. Sometimes I wear the fake, some days it bothers me more than satisfies me, so I just leave it off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: This week I've been equally happy (on the tour and at c-section class, shopping, laughing with Zac) and moody. Haven't had the blues lately, just easily irritated. I think part of it is the heat and trouble sleeping, but I will hold myself accountable for being cranky, no matter the reason. :)
Looking forward to: a date with Zac this weekend (thanks for the movie passes Stacy!) and my doctor appointment/sonogram next Tuesday, the 28th.

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