Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Things are starting to take shape around here. I've washed bottles and put them in the kitchen cabinets. It took some creative rearranging, since our kitchen is so tiny, but there they are. I smile every time I open that cabinet, because I forget they're in there, then see them, and remember what's to come. Our hall linen closet now has a special section of baby towels and washcloths, and all the baby blue looks like heaven. The pack-n-play is set up in the corner of the living room, and I look at it sometimes while watching tv or playing on the laptop, to think about how it won't be long before there's a beautiful little boy sleeping in that little space.

Yes, progress is being made.

But last night I got in bed at ten, only to have a million panicked thoughts cross my mind Your camera isn't charged! What if you go into labor tonight or tomorrow and your camera's dead? Get up and charge it, you'll regret it if you don't!...oh my gosh, you don't have any gowns or nursing stuff...Etc. My brain was relentless, and it seemed that every thought was the BIGGEST. DEAL. EVER! I got out of bed at 11 because I couldn't take it anymore, and obviously I wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon. So I plugged in my camera, and got online. I looked at gowns and robes and nursing bras and tanks. I looked at gliders and ottomans for the millionth time. I walked around Drew's room to see if there was anything I could think to do. I packed the diaper bag. I read some literature the hospital gave us on Monday night. When I finally decided to try to go back to bed, I noticed the clock said it was 3am. Oops! But at least I slept late (10am, which helps the day fly by faster) and woke up feeling like I'd accomplished a little.

Today I went and pulled the trigger (so to speak), and finally purchased the glider and ottoman. I got an amazing deal and was on the biggest high when I left the store. Like a million pounds had been lifted off my chest! The perfect chair has been one of the hardest decisions I've had to make. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to Babies-R-Us and sat in the different gliders, picturing myself plopping down in the middle of the night with a warm fussy baby in my arms. "Which chair is MY chair?" The crib and dresser were easy decisions compared to the perfect nursery chair. I think it's because I wanted it to look nice, but it needed to fit me right too. I also didn't want it to squeak or moan, as I've read so many do. I finally settled on the one I wanted, and smiled the biggest smile as they loaded it into my car. When we got it home, it turns out it looks HUGE in the tiny room, but it's so cozy, I don't even mind right now. I'll figure out logistics later. I think I'll be spending a lot of time in this chair, even before Mr. Drew makes his arrival! :) I'm sitting in it right now!

Like I said, I felt so amazing after finally getting the glider and ottoman, that I couldn't stop. I went to Target to look for gowns/bras. I know some people prefer to just wear the hospital gowns, but having spent lots of time in those rough ugly things, I knew I'd personally feel better being in something that's mine. :) Since I'm having c-section, I know I won't want anything on my belly (no pajama pants for me), so gowns are the way to go! I got a soft solid black gown at Target, and couldn't pass up a nursing top on sale for $12. On my way out of the parking lot, I saw Motherhood Maternity and made an impromptu decision to look there as well. I got another gown there (so soft and stretchy!) and the world's most comfortable nursing bra. I left the store on top of the world. Mentally checking items off of my freak-out-in-the-middle-of-the-night list. Phew. Feels good.

Yes, I should be able to sleep tonight. Let's hope! :)


Amy F said...

Way to go! You are doing such an awesome job getting ready! I can't wait to see his room!

Linda said...

You make me laugh! I'm glad you were able to check things off your list today. I hope you have a very peaceful sleep tonight! Love you!