Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sono and Doc appointment

Today I had an appointment with my OB, as well as a follow up sonogram (since Mr. Drew was not too cooperative at my 4-D sono, two weeks ago). Drew was even MORE shy this time than last, and the sweet lady told me she would do ANOTHER sono when I return in two weeks. Isn't that nice? I love getting to see him every two weeks! :) She used his femur to measure his weight again. Last time he was 2 pounds, 12 ounces. Zac and I had a bet going on his weight for today. He thought it would be 3 pounds, and I guessed 3 pounds, 4 ounces. Today he was 3 pounds, 12 ounces! We were both way off, but I was closer! :) He gained a pound in two weeks, but he's still on track (however they predict this) to weigh about 7 pounds and 6 ounces at birth. He is in the 31st percentile right now, so very average.
He still had lots of hair, and precious kissable lips. He really LOVES having his hands in his face. He opened his mouth several times, and even sucked on his fist at one point. Last sonogram, he kept his hands balled into fists the whole time, but today he spread his palms, like he was literally blocking his face from us. The sonographer said she didn't think that Drew likes sonograms. I concur!
His position has changed, although he's still super breached. His hiney is now down low, near my pelvis. His face is in my left ribcage, and he's in a pike position, so his feet are in my right ribcage. (Side note: Liz said "maybe he'll be a diver!" Haha, we all still have the Olympics on our minds!)

My appointment with Dr. H was different than most I've had. I got kind of emotional and even teared up a bit. I haven't been sleeping well AT ALL, and I think the hormones mixed with sleep deprivation, mixed with being a little sick (sinus infection) and a lot uncomfortable, just caught up with me. He was so kind and gentle and reassuring that what I was feeling was very normal. I told him I felt like eight weeks felt like an eternity to wait, but at the same time I was worried that he'd come early. Again he told me this was normal, and encouraged me that my body was made for this, and I can do it. I admitted that I get very anxious and filled with worry at night, and he told me that this is what moms do. :) He said he can help with other symptoms, but can't do much for me in the worrying category. It's silly too...I don't worry about Drew being sick or anything like that, I worry about going into labor when I'm not expecting it, and having dirty clothes piled up, or not being finished with his nursery. I can be logical and talk myself out of this craziness during the day, but at night it just takes over and seems so overwhelming. Weird! It was so cathartic to just let it all out. I mean, I wasn't bawling or anything, but I was definitely sniffling and talking through tears. I apologized at one point and he smiled and said "please don't say sorry! If I was uncomfortable with emotional women, I should pick a different field." That made me feel better. (phew...I'm not a freak!)
I have been watching cesareans online, so I had lots of questions to ask about that. We are taking a c-section class and hospital tour next Monday (Aug. 20th), but there were answers I wanted from my specific doctor. He had already scheduled Drew's birth for Monday, October 8th. We are first on the wait list for a 7:30am spot, but he booked a noon O.R. just in case the early morning one was not available. We both want the earlier time. I've had enough surgeries to know the earlier the better, but he explained that "the longer we wait, the longer you have to go without eating, and I don't want you to be weak and tired before we even start the surgery!" I probably won't be able to sleep much the night before...just a guess! :)
We will be in the operating room for about an hour. He said that it typically only takes about five minutes to get the baby out, but a solid 45 to close me back up. He explained that he will show me Drew, then nurses will take him and check his lungs (which will have more fluid since he didn't get squeezed out of a birth canal) and clean him and put him in a warmer, then they'll hand him to Zac. When they do that, Zac will get to bring him over to me and we will get to hold him while they finish closing me up. When that is done, they will put me on a different bed to move me to recovery, and Drew will get to ride with me. That is where I'll be able to nurse him, if desired.
I asked him if he would do the incision vertically or horizontally (bikini cut), and he originally said horizontally. He then looked at my "midline scar" from my colectomy, and decided it'd be better to just trace along that and open the same scar. He explained that my bowels could've healed in a way that he would not be able to easily access my uterus with a bikini cut. It's the safest bet to open the scar I already have. It will be a little harder to heal from, but it's better than them trying the bikini and it not working, and cutting that AND the vertical scar too. I totally agree! He also said that since my scar has stretched out, he will be able to actually close it up in a way that makes the scar smaller and much less visible. I've never minded my scars, but that sounds fine to me!
I liked everything I learned about the actual delivery itself, and can't wait to take the c-section class next Monday! I felt so much better by the end of the appointment. Dr. H hugged me on the way out. He has never done that, but I think he saw that I needed a hug. :) I'm glad I chose him as my doctor for this very special special occasion!
I return for an appointment (and sono) in two weeks (8/28), but I will see one of his partners for the first time. Then two weeks later (9/11), I will see him again. I guess it really is getting close!


Mel and Nancy said...

Sweetheart- Hang in there! You are so precious and I think you are right about Drew! No pictures for him. Love you bunches and you and Drew are in mine and so many others prayers.

Stacy said...

I got so caught up reading this - I didn't want it to end! :) Hang in there and remember to savor all of these moments. Write down your crazy thoughts, you may never have them again!

Linda said...

These next few weeks will fly by. I can't wait to meet him! You and Zac will be wonderful parents!!!

Amy F said...

Ditto to everything already commented! We love you and you are going to be amazing!