Saturday, August 25, 2012


This morning I made pancakes for the second Saturday in a row. After eating and doing dishes, Molly and I got back in bed (where I'm blogging from my iPhone right now). Molly has started this new thing where she waits for me to lay on my side, then curls up in a ball right by my tummy. Drew kicks and kicks her. I truly don't believe it's coincidental, because the kicks are all in the same exact place (when they're usually all over), and they're right on Molly. Maybe it's because he can feel her warmth, or maybe she lies there because she can feel his. I don't know the science behind it, but I think they're already bonding, and I love it. The first time it happened I thought Molly would move when he started kicking, but she leaned in and pushed her weight more against me! :) I know it's probably not a conscious decision by either of them to hang out with the other, but they are communicating. And for some reason, they already have a special connection. Makes me one happy Mama! I wish I could get a neonatologist or veterinarian to explain to me what's going on, but whatever the cause, it's pretty darn cute!

1 comment:

Amy F said...

Love it! They are already friends!